Repotting Workshop


Unsure about how to start repotting your plants?

Your plants have enjoyed a bit of a rest over Winter, but now that Spring is with us, it's time to start checking if any are ready for a repot.

Join us for an evening at our shop in Callander to learn in detail how to identify when your plants need a repot, the best time to approach the job, and how to make the whole process as stress free as possible - for you and your plants!

At our two hour workshop we'll introduce you to:

  • Basic houseplant care and the importance of repotting your plants

  • Different soil components and how to create custom soil mixes for your plants

  • The process of repotting your plant

  • Planning a repotting schedule for your plants

We'll also have a short break for a question & answer session on plant care and some light refreshments.

We'll provide a selection of plants for the workshop, you'll choose one to repot and take home. At the end you'll have time to browse our plant care products and stock up on supplies.

We’ll be hosting two workshops initially, both at our shop in Callander, and there are six places available at each workshop.

Tuesday 16th April 6.30pm - 8.30pm SOLD OUT

Thursday 18th April 6.30pm - 8.30pm